Tuscan Sandwich

10 min
2 portions


Tuscan Bread PDO
Finocchiona PGI
Pecorino Toscano PDO
Borgotaro Mushroom PGI
Tuscan Oil PGI

Step 1

Cut the Finocchiona PGI into thin slices, cut the Pecorino Toscano PDO into thick slices.
Cut the Borgotaro mushrooms PGI and cook them with oil and salt, then beat them finely with a knife.

Step 2

Cut the Tuscan Bread PDO into slices. Assemble the sandwich starting from the sautéed mushrooms, continue with the slices of Pecorino Toscano PDO, sprinkle with a drizzle of Tuscan oil PGI and before closing the sandwich add the slices of Finocchiona PGI.

Source finocchionaigp.it